- Title: Shapemaker
- Technology: QR Codes, Processing
- Team Members:
- Nick M.
- Lauren R.
- Date Completed: 3/2011
- Design and Development Time: 8 weeks
- Course: The Design of Play (IMS222)
- Concept: ShapeMaker utilizes a table-based tactile interface that bridges physical actions with digital results, allowing players to learn basic concepts in programming by playing a card game.
Shapemaker aims to transform the process of introducing new students to the world of programming and create a new, wider demographic of computer programmers. This article is a preliminary study of Shapemaker, documenting its concept, current design, and directions for development.
- Read paper from the 16th IEEE CGAMES Conference:
Masso, N. Grace, L., 2011. Shapemaker: A game-based introduction to programming. In Proceedings of the 16th international conference of the Computer Games (CGAMES) (Louisville, KY: July 27-30, 2011). IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 125-129. DOI= http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/CGAMES.2011.6000334
- Region1